Thursday, February 22, 2007

The Sameness of being Unique!

Hey hey hey! Conundrum. So... you've heard people say to you, or perhaps to other people, 'You are unique my friend', 'Or there's no one quite like you', 'You are special because you are so different'.

Differet, yeah right! If that is so, then why do we all have 'similar' characteristics and behave in the same fashion on different occasions?

I mean, I'm confused. So we're all baked in the same oven, with the same bread, but different moulds, but taste similar or...? And are all crisp and have the same breaking point or some are kind of stronger, more hard, flakier, and so on? So we're same, yet unique. Or unique yet same.

Whatever. It's the same thing ain't it?

Ok, ok, least I asked.

Friday, February 16, 2007

The Importance of adrenaline

Take a look around. Something drives everything. Be it physical, emotional or spiritual. Lust, greed, oxygen, love, fear, desire, petrol, diesel, bulls, bears, ink, keyboards, servers, motors, oh and on and on and on.

We're a very 'driven' planet. Pause! .................... where are we going?

So round and round and round we go. No wonder the planet's in a spin.

Look, it so happens, that we're all chasing each other in a giant car rally. Ahhh! Now it's clear. It's a race by the race. And if you have a race, you got to have mobility of some sort. For which you require some fuel. Voila adrenaline!

So, what drives you?

Thursday, February 8, 2007

What's the hardest thing to govern?

Aah! Of course you have the answers.

It could be any of the following:
a) People
b) Fetishes
c) Allergies
d) Number of greys one keeps sprouting everyday
e) Your enemies
f) Your friends
g) Your parents
h) Money of course
i) Assets (movable and immovable)
j) Pets
k) Wrinkles
l) The weather

But no...the hardest thing to govern is of course as the great Queen Elisabeth I would have us believe is, 'the heart'.

Aww well...