That Insane Urge
Am sorry. Really really sorry.
I'd promised myself sometime ago that I wouldn't wear my heart on my sleeve and thus expose my ordinariness when I wrote about how I screamed or cried or felt hurt and disappointed or how the demons inside my head were too stubborn and comfortable to leave and just let me be. Maybe I was used to their company and I let them be.
I wanted this blog of mine to be free of hurt. But I'm afraid now of writing at idiosyncrazies, because there are people who seem to be coming to that blog and reading. That worries me sometimes. Actually all the time. Inspite of all the anonyomity that I so crave for, the Internet never leaves you alone. Someone somewhere is watching isn't it? Making note, quietly storing all the data, bit by bit by bit, and then someone will piece it together like a beautiful tapestry to form a picture. Of me. I don't think I could stand that. Let me alone bear the burden of how ugly I really am. I'd hate to be unmasked. That too to the whole world. Crikey no!
Guess there are some days when you get up in the morning, and there's a sense of expectation - like a pregnant woman swelled with baby - of something that would be delivered. A good day. And then there are some days when you just roll over, groan and go, 'why'. I didn't get up with that feeling today. The feeling just grew as the day wore on.
I know there's someone out there in the blogworld who has written a post about how every blog he read seemed to be reeking of the hurt, the pain and the sighs! It's quite hilarious and I find his posts quite funny, whenever I do bother reading them. But I do wish he could be more sensitive. Does one have to make fun of everything in the world? One can let some things just be right? Anyway, that is a subjective matter and am sure this particular blogger will continue to write in his peculiarly engaging way and take everyone for a ride and cock a snook at everyone and everything.
But why give someone so much importance? I visit his blog very infrequently because he and his blog are linked to someone I knew in the not too distant past. A past whose sections I'd just like to erase, actually a clean swipe would be good. It's far too painful and ever so often it rears its ugly pianful head and makes me wish that I was just not me. It brings back moments of such intensity, hurt and disappointment that my head starts aching and I have to clench my jaws and dig my nails into my palm to stop myself from just plain good ole bawling. Yes, I have that insane urge and my only solace is to write. So now you know.
Anyway, it's a merry go round. One ache leads to another and another and soon I'm swathed in the warp and weft of the past. Failed relationships everywhere. And a life that is going nowhere. There's no one to look to for comfort save oneself. No one to give me a hug except me. No one to just say those magic words, 'It's going to be ok'. Even family is actually so blithely unaware of the whirlpool of emotions. They're probably the last ones to know about anything really. It's amazing isn't it, when the peope who supposedly love you unconditionally and can supposedly sense the emotional undercurrent are actually the last ones to even ask, let alone know. Sometimes, just sometimes I wish intution, telepathy and the bonds of frendship would ring true and friends would call and say, 'Hey, just wanted to find out how you were doing'. Uh huh! No surprises in my life. Only dull certainties.
I'm sorry banalinanities. For breaking a rule that I swore I'd never. I was just so intent on putting one foot in front of the other that I didn't see any of this coming from the cross roads. I'm sorry.
I'll promise I'll try harder.
But then, rules are meant for breaking aren't they? Oh well, had to ask...:)